Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Cracking the College Wait List

Being Wait Listed is not the end of the world, although it may feel that way it is not!  Many students come off the wait list and go to the college of their choice.  Sometimes a Community College is the answer for a year and re-apply.  There are also ways to improve your chance of getting off the wait list.  Click on this link to see some strategies:     5 Keys to Cracking the College Wait List (TIME.com) 

Key Essentials Yield Success!
Need-Based Admission - although most colleges won't admit it, institutions may take the family's income and assets into consideration when determining the student's enrollment eligibility. Income and assets most often do not come into consideration at the beginning of the colleges' selection process. If a college's financial aid resources are practically depleted and a questionable student has a financial need, they are often overlooked for a student with lesser financial need and more ability to pay.

Hot Tip ...

To help avoid a need-based admission situation, it is essential to be first in line for both admission as well as funding. 

To better a more informed Parent Call 310-377-0668 to set up an appointment for a Free-Private College Planning Presentation.