Friday, August 27, 2010


This is always a tough one because the cost of college between public & private is so different, compounded by the rising cost of education. The 529 Plans are a great way to save for college, but there are other options as well. The key is to save money for college and not using your 401k or home equity as the college plan (These are both for the parents future). Click on the link below for an article from Fidelity on College Savings Guidelines, but the most important take away from this entry is to save!!!!

When it comes time to begin the actual college planning process (i.e. Freshmen, Sophomore or Junior in High School) I can help in a big way. We have a great process but also ways to re-position your invests so that you get the lowest EFC (Expected Family Contribution for your child's college education) possible.

Article from Fidelity click here.

Ron Rotenberg 310-377-0668

Friday, August 20, 2010

SAT or ACT or Both?

When it comes time to take the SAT or ACT always be prepared. You should have taken a sample test and prepared for the big day. The key as to which test to take is based upon your individual style of test taking. The test are very different in the scoring methodology. My recommendation is take both, but be prepared. Keep in mind you can take the test more than once and I encourage you to take the test more than once and use the best score. These test scores are a key component in getting into the best college at the lowest possible cost. So prepare, prepare, prepare!!!

As part of our College Graduate program we offer at no additional cost the Peterson on line test prep, this may not be the only source for you but look it as another way to improve your score.

For more information please give me a call at 310-377-0668.

Also click here for a recent article on ACT Testing.