Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Is College Worth the Time & Money?

The majority of studies that have been done clearly show that going to college will improve your financial situation as well as you social situation. Click here and check out the link to a College Board Report, go to page 9 and see the numbers .

Year after year the studies are done and the results, for the most part, unchanged. In a time of high unemployment having a degree will give you an edge up as well. In fact, most employers today are looking at educational background as a key element in the hiring process.

So, it is most definitely worth the energy and cost to get a College Education!

So you have the time but the big question is do you (or should I say your parents) have the money to attend college?

Answer - there are many options Grants (Free Money) as being the best option but in most cases there will be Loans, Work Study Program and your parents EFC (Expected Family Contribution).

The big question is will you get into the best college at the lowest possible cost?

The guidelines that your High School College Counselor are great but may fall short of accomplishing the task at hand .... feel free to give me a call and we can set up a free 1 hour consultation so that I can show you how to get the edge with our "College Graduate Program".

Once again, is it "Worth the Time and Money" for the visit with me? First the visit is FREE and is only an hour. If at the end of the hour you still feel that you would like to go at this complicated process on your own, I will wish you Good Luck. If you see the value (I am confident that you will) then the real focused fun starts on getting you into the best college at the lowest possible cost.

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